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secret recipe

How Alex Wins Back Customers In 49 Seconds!
(watch the full video below)

We ran the Win Back Challenge and got our first "Yes" in just 49 seconds! If you are not using Flawless Followup, you really should be.

Alex Dwierbicki

SlothFit Gym

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In this Course You'll Discover:

  • Why Our Win Back Challenge Gets You Sales Faster Than Anything Else
  • How To Set Up Your Own Win Back Challenge TODAY!
  • What To Do.
  • What To Say.
  • Where To Find the Best Leads.

But that's not all! After you watch first lesson there is more...

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success Stories

What our clients are saying

Alex Dwierbicki

SlothFit Gym

"We ran the WinBack Challenge and got our first "Yes" in just 49 seconds! If you are not using Flawless Followup, you really should be."

Windy & John Zabojnik

Texas Cryoworks & Wellness Center

"Flawless Followup did an amazing job getting us new sales. Over 78% of appointments purchased new services in the first 3 days!"

Susie Hussong

Anchored In Hope Home Decor

"We tripled our list and had one of our best days ever on our very first Flawless Followup promotion!"

Sheldon Millsap

Austin Diamond District

"Over $40k on our 1st Win Back. We got laser targeted results in less than 20 minutes."

Mandy Kelly

Liberty Dog Barkery

"Our Sales Are Up More Than 600% Since Joining Flawless Followup!"

Mark Edmondson

Southern Shutters & Blinds

"Inbound calls are up 119%! It also found us a new builder client and got us several new orders (valued at 50k+)."

Simon Kensington-Fellows

Thrapston, UK

"I've had a bit of success with my business - I've sold two clients here in the UK both deals of around £3k each. Many thanks"

Jay Harmon

Atlanta, GA

"My client closed 3 new clients worth over $3,000,000. My clients are generating millions using Flawless Followup strategies."

Jamie Houston

New Zealand

"One "WinBack" campaign generated nearly $300,000 in sales for a client, and we had people responding within minutes!"

Jeff Lipton

Bobalu Cigar Company

"Flawless Followup more than tripled our sales and literally saved us during the lockdown. Nobody else has anything like it."

Terrell Ray


"Win Back program just landed my biggest client ever!"

Copyright © Flawless Followup® and Bottom Line Marketing Automation, Inc  
